Being pregnant involves a lot of growing. During the entire process of growing a whole new child, much of your body will also grow as well. Pregnant women expect that their stomachs will grow in size during their pregnancy, but it may come as a surprise to them to find that their fingers will also swell, grow, and change during their pregnancy.

Many pregnant women do not wear their wedding rings after the third trimester for this reason. Rings represent deep commitments in our culture, so this has never felt quite right. This is why we believe that silicone rings are the best solution for pregnant fingers.
There's a lot of comfort in them
Pregnant women need to feel comfortable. When your body grows and changes, it can become more challenging to find comfort. A silicon ring provides an excellent alternative to uncomfortable jewellery. This type of ring can move with your finger without inhibiting circulation.
They Expand
The closer you get to the end of your pregnancy, the more likely it is that your fingers (and possibly your ankles) will start getting swollen. During this time, quite often women are required to remove their wedding rings and wait eagerly for their babies to be born. A silicone ring will stretch with your growing finger as you wear it. The advantage of this is that your rings won't cause any discomfort and you won't need to remove them from a safe place.
They will break
In the event that your silicone rings become too tight, know that they can easily be removed. They are capable of being quickly and safely severed in an emergency, but they are also designed to give way under extreme conditions. It is comforting to have this peace of mind at a time of life when safety is key.
It's not expensive
Due to our affordable price point, a silicone ring is a great option during pregnancy. Our goal at Silifit Rings is to keep our silicone rings competitively priced. Therefore, you won't spend a lot of money if you purchase a new silicone ring with each trimester, because your fingers grow and change. Additionally, it means that you can choose a ring of a specific colour once you know the gender!
Silifit Rings are sure to win your heart during your pregnancy.